DIY Fleece Blanket with Braided Edges

I love craft stores. More than that, I love sales and clearance sections at craft stores. While shopping for fabric and felt for our DIY Christmas stockings, I found some scraps of fleece material in the clearance bin. They were the perfect size for a baby blanket for my new niece!

I scooped ‘em up, and got to designing. After some trial and error, which is really the only way I do projects, I designed a pretty braided edge, which maximized the size of the clearance fleece. Grab your scissors and odd sized fleece, and I’ll show you what I did to make this braided edge.

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DIY Two-Sided, Hanging Wooden Sign

I told you fall gives me DIY-vibes! Wooden signs are really having a moment, aren’t they? I love them. I think they are so warm and rustic, and add a personal touch to anywhere. I’ve wanted a wooden sign (or five) for our house for some time, but I thought, well, I can probably make one!

I’ve been staring at this metal post below all summer. Does it need a hanging basket? Should we just take it down? Maybe add flowers? James and I were brainstorming one day and we thought of it – a two sided, hanging, wooden sign with the name of our new home and property.

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