8 DIY Winter Wedding Ideas

This is a post I have been wanting to write for a long time! And since we are approaching our 5 YEAR wedding anniversary, I thought now would be a great time! I am really excited to share our DIY Winter Wedding details with you all. I poured blood and sweat (no tears though, I was definitely a Bride-chilla) into the making of white winter wedding for the 9 months we were engaged.

I began pinning every snow and snow flake inspired wedding pin on Pinterest. I quickly developed a vision for our wedding and off I went to Hobby Lobby and wholesale craft sites to get it going. For me, this was the pinnacle of my DIY skills. I felt I had been training my whole life for this! My mom worried that I was going to get overwhelmed because I wanted to do basically everything myself. I wanted personal, thoughtful details. I wanted to make my own center pieces, table chart and table numbers. I wanted to make my own snowflake chandelier with lights and tulle. And when I couldn’t find the votives that I had envisioned, well, I wanted to make those, too. And I did. Here are the best winter themed-DIY projects from our beautiful winter wedding!

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