Coffee Time: Our Favorite Morning Ritual

I wanted to share one of our favorite weekend rituals: coffee time. My parents started “coffee time” when they were first married. And now, they have passed on this tradition to their daughters! Each of my sisters and their husbands have a designated morning coffee time. And when we are all together as a family up north for the weekend, we always look forward to coffee time. And the coffee time tradition continues to grow! So what is coffee time? I’ll tell you.

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Coffee time is a designated time to gather around in the morning as a family, and talk about your plans for the day, plans for the future, and tell stories. Usually during the week, our mornings are so rushed getting out the door, making sure the dog is fed, and making sure my shirt is on the right side out. Not to mention that both of us wake up at different times! I often don’t even see James in the morning.

Before we get started, I thought I’d ask my mom, one of the founders of coffee time, a few questions about how it all began and what coffee time looks like now.

How did coffee time start?

Coffee time started when my husband and I were first married and we received a coffee grinder for our wedding. We would buy a variety of coffees beans and enjoy grinding and brewing our own coffee. We would love to smell and taste the flavor of the week, appreciating fresh ground coffee before it was cool! Coffee time was reserved for Saturdays, given the extra time in the morning.

What do you talk about during coffee time?

During coffee time we always talk about our week behind, and plan our week ahead. Coffee time is also a time for planning trips, home renovations, and sometimes heartaches and concerns. When our kids were younger, they were always a hot topic, as we we strived to be unified in our approach to parenting. Now our favorite coffee times are when our adult children can join us, and liven up the conversation with their hilarious stories and reminisce about years gone by

Why is coffee time important?

Coffee time is so important because it is our (my husband and I) time to connect-to look at one another in the eye and connect. It is important to “check in” and ask questions about how are we doing. It’s time we can go beneath the surface and get to the heart- a heart check, I like to call it. So this is why coffee time really is the best time!

As my mom said, coffee time is a time to relax, dream, discuss, and have a real, intentional conversations in the morning before the stressors of the day get involved. I literally go to bed Friday nights and say to James “I can’t wait for coffee time“. Think of it like the morning happy hour! Here are the guidelines for coffee time.

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No Phones

There are no phones at coffee time. It’s important to ask questions and just relax in each other’s company. I will admit we will bring out the phone for calendar planning purposes, or for researching something that we both are talking about. For example, the cost of an Airbnb in Denver, or how much our next DIY project is going to cost. But other than that, no phones.

Cozy Clothes Only

No getting dressed before coffee time. Stay in your PJs, put on your robe , slip on your cozy slippers and just relax – the day has not yet started.

Weekend Plans

Coffee time is usually time for us to get our priorities straight for the weekend ahead. We talk about what we want accomplish, or what we already have planned. Usually if we are home, we talk about what projects are on the top of my list and what projects are on the top of James list. We like to make sure that we are on the same page for the day, and that we are going to make sure we leave time to have fun together. James and I are productive people, so sometimes we have to plan the time of the day that we are going to STOP. Sometimes that looks like, “OK, we are going to work on our floors until 4pm and then we are putting the tools down.”

Big Plans

Will also talk about upcoming events or big plans. Sometimes this looks like me reminding James what day my sister’s wedding is on, or what day we are leaving for New Zealand. We’ll talk about the next few weekends long-term, like when is the next time we are going up north? Or when can we squeeze in a long weekend? We also talk about business! We’ll talk about our rental property, or future investments. I like to brainstorm ideas for the blog. James and I also have a new business that we are launching next month! *exciting!*

Fun Plans

And of course, coffee time is for the the fun stuff. Like, what do we want to do in New Zealand next month? What should our next trip be? And of course, prioritizing our DIY plans. In fact, our vinyl plank kitchen floors that we LOVE SO MUCH came from a coffee time on Saturday morning. We try to keep coffee time light, fun, and forward focused.

Related: Spring Favorites: what we are loving and planning

As you can tell, we love our coffee time. We even have started collecting coffee mugs from all the places that we have traveled together. It is such a fun souvenir to collect! It’s really fun to have a special mug from the Bahamas or Alaska or Colorado that we can look at and reminisce on that trip.

Since our love of coffee time and collecting mugs has grown, I have set up a coffee nook and coffee table complete with a mug tree stand, a box for tea bags, and a little dish for teaspoons. I get such joy looking at all our pretty mugs displayed on our mug tree stand! After a thorough search, I settled on this one from Amazon.

Don’t like coffee? That’s ok, we love tea, too! And we love our tea box from Amazon! Keeps our tea bags nice and organized, and displayed beautiful!y!

So there you have it – all you need to know about our favorite morning ritual. I hope this Saturday morning you can take the time to sit and relax with your significant other, or sister, or brother, and have quiet, intentional conversation about your week and your wildest dreams.

What is some of your favorite morning rituals?

Sip on,

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